I Now Might Be The First Author of Historical Books On Mathematics and Rock and Roll

Sunil Singh
3 min readAug 26, 2024


Deep Content Dives Through Storytelling

My latest book, Sonic Seducer: Lust For Life With Our Heaviest Moments, Memories, and Magic of Rock and Roll is a strange fourth book to release — given that the first three were about, essentially, stories of mathematics.

This one is about the stories of rock and roll. I know that sounds generic and hardly unique, but the fact is that it is.

Nobody has ever written a rock and roll book that bridges the 60’s roots of it — centring on The Beatles — to the absolute avalanche of today’s rock and roll.

Every generation — and mine is the absolute worst(I am 60) — thinks that rock and roll peaked with their youth. I address that early in the book.

A gauge of how vibrant and deliriously alive current heavy music is, just check out a mere sampling of often sold out festivals from both sides of the Atlantic.

I had a discussion about all of this with S. Patrick Brooks on the Heavy Underground Farm Report earlier this month.

Unfortunately, both the world of mathematics education and music journalism are filled with gatekeeping and highly erroneous beliefs about mathematics and rock music respectively.

Luckily, I gave absolutely zero fucks early one when I started writing books. I believe these words of Bowie is where I have drawn my inspiration on how and why I write…

Rock and roll is only dead to the Gene Simmons of the world, which unfortunately there seem to be a lot of.

Good thing is that today’s amazing rock and roll bands are not playing for him or anyone else who harbours that false, calcified belief.

We are back in the Age of Bowie, and it’s time for the rest of the world to catch up and understand that.

