Education’s Currency Has Finally Collapsed With Students — But Education Doesn’t Care.
The writing started being written on the wall when the internet came into existence in the mid 90’s. By 2014, the warning signs started to appear. The article below is ten years old.
In 2024, the headline should read something like this:
Global Schools Are Educating Kids Right Out Of Education
School Attendance problems have now graduated to School Refusal problems.
Mental Health Crisis
The red flags of indifference towards education even reached the PISA tests.
How much more evidence would you like to see to fully understand that the education system as a whole simply does not care — has never cared about the plight of students.
It has only cared about using education to maintain social order in society.
So, what’s BIG in education with students — and teachers — suffering from fatigue and exhaustion? It’s definitely not prioritizing mental health FIRST before anything.
It’s Science of Reading. It’s Science of Math.
It’s Science of Bullshit. It’s Science of Adults Who Don’t Give A Shit About Students.
It’s one reason why I left math education. It also doesn’t care about math education. CMC-South, one of the few math conferences I still enjoyed, rejected this proposal.
On the other hand, a whole strand in which people could present proposals was “Building Thinking Classrooms”. Last time I checked, that was a book. No conflict of interest here in promoting a book which does ZERO to address mathematical content and ZERO to address mental health in students. On the contrary, it actually is transparent about how little it cares about students and mental health.
The spaces of education/math education have become so fraudulent and negligent of student reality, that the only thing left to say about people and companies that are involved in peddling educational resources that don’t earnestly attempt to address mental health/wellness of students first, is that they are opportunists of political climates/agenda.
Education is dying. The bad news is the kids interest for it is already dead.
Curiosity comes from content. Curiosity is linked to positive mental health.
Incuriosity is the consequence of self-serving adults. This is how the final chapter in education that we have known is being played out.
We should have been in the second generation of interdisciplinary education by now, taking full advantage of student voice and student activism.
That train is still coming. It just got held up by control, compliance, and competition…